About our Scholarships

Graduating high school students who are interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and located throughout the IALR service region have the opportunity to earn scholarships courtesy of the IALR Foundation. The scholarships are awarded to students who plan to continue their education in one of the STEM disciplines. The scholarship program is an important catalyst for developing talent in STEM career fields, which are integral to the economic transformation of Southern Virginia.

High school counselors have received the IALR STEM scholarship application packet. Completed applications are due to counselors by March 18, 2022.

For STEM scholarship information, please contact Dr. Julie Brown.

For scholarship information regarding the advanced precision machining training program at the Gene Haas Center for Integrated Machining, contact Jeremiah Williams.

Meet our

Vice President, Advanced Learning

Julie Brown, Ph.D.

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Office: 434.766.6711
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