IALR is facilitating summer internships as well as springtime mock interview events for high school students. Participating employers are being actively recruited for these opportunities with funding available to support intern stipends. The events are part of IALR’s new system framework, known as ExperienceWorks and supported by GO Virginia.
Mock interviewers, committing just 1.5 hours of time or more, are needed for three AspHIRE Mock Interview Day events on April 27-28 in Danville and South Boston, and May 4-5 in Martinsville. Graduating seniors and select juniors are provided an opportunity to hone their interview skills and take part in a formal business lunch and six work-readiness sessions. Interested businesses should contact jessie.vernon@ialr.org by April 13.
IALR is also seeking businesses to host paid internships starting in June 2022. Highly successful last summer, the programs in Danville and Pittsylvania County are expanding, along with internship opportunities throughout GO Virginia Region 3.
“It helps you learn people skills and what you want to do in the future,” said Nevea Russell, a Galileo Magnet High School student, of her internship last summer with Danville’s Parks and Recreation department. Other employers last year included other local government offices, the Animal Medical Center of Danville and the Danville Science Center among others.
Interns will work for six to eight weeks at 32-40 hours per week. Businesses have the ability to customize the internship to fit their needs. Interested companies and organizations should contact dana.wilson@ialr.org as soon as possible.