Mitchell Doss recently joined the IALR Applied Research team in a new full-time position as Value Chain Coordinator. In this role, Doss will be responsible for developing regional systems for aggregating, storing and distributing agricultural products to build capacity within the agricultural industry and allow small producers to access new markets.
Doss started the position in July 2024, but his involvement with IALR goes back nearly a decade.
From Gretna, Doss participated in one of the first cohorts of the Academy for Engineering and Technology (AET) – a dual-enrollment, STEM-focused program for students in Danville Public Schools and Pittsylvania County Schools, supported by IALR and Danville Community College.
While still in the AET program, Doss completed his first summer internship with IALR – working with Dr. Scott Lowman – a Ph.D. candidate at the time who now serves as IALR’s Vice President of Applied Research – on an early iteration of the Spatially and Mechanically Accurate Robotic Table (SMART) Platform. These platforms use automation, precision and technology to track the growth of dozens of plants over a growth cycle. Most of Doss’ work that summer involved setting up experiments and maintaining plants.
Doss went on to Randolph College, majoring in Environmental Sciences with a double minor in engineering and data science – a combination that equipped him to continue working with IALR’s Applied Research division.
In 2019, Doss participated in IALR’s summer internship program again, this time as a college student. While working with a former drone program that used aerial photography for crop and field analysis, Doss flexed – and continued to develop – skills in data analysis and imaging technologies, which he would continue to use with IALR.
“Those internships helped me realize that I really wanted to be in the STEM field,” Doss said.
After obtaining his bachelor’s degree, Doss returned to IALR to work with the SMART platform, but this time as a graduate research assistant employed with Virginia Tech. He conducted numerous experiments and supervised a cohort of interns every summer to improve the technology and capabilities of the SMART technology.
“Much of our work at IALR focuses on developing career pathways for emerging workers across Southern Virginia in support of strategic industry sectors. Mitchell’s career progression is a great example of the ‘student-to-intern-to-employee’ pathway IALR is able to support within our own organization and in partnership with the region’s education institutions and business community.” – Dr. Julie Brown, IALR, Vice President, Advanced Learning
He also provided occasional support for the Controlled Environment Agriculture Innovation Center and for the Plant Endophyte Research Center, even serving as a co-author on a few articles.
“With his combined expertise in plant sciences and technology, Mitchell embodies the essence of what our Applied Research division is all about.” – Dr. Scott Lowman, IALR, Vice President, Applied Research
Doss is in the final stages of his master’s degree and will defend his thesis in the fall. In the meantime, he decided to continue working at IALR, this time in the new role of Value Chain Coordinator. Doss will be focused on developing a regional food system, which will lead to more regional agricultural jobs and economic activity.
“I am thrilled that I get to continue working with IALR, and I am excited to see the impact that I can make in this role.” – Mitchell Doss, Value Chain Coordinator, former intern